Dienstag, 19. Februar 2019

On the death of Karl Lagerfeld by Thomas Seidel

German version

Karl Lagerfeld
(Source: FAZ,  originator: Helmut Fricke)

Many tears will flow and the Seine will overflow its banks. 

Anyone who has ever seen Karl Lagerfeld at work has been deeply impressed by his good taste and the stylistic confidence with which he knows how to say every minute what fits together or not. The Fendi and Chanel fashion houses in particular have been happy to rely on his judgement for decades. Karl Lagerfeld once said of himself in an interview that he could only draw a little, otherwise he wouldn't do anything! That was a little too much understated. 

To say that Karl Lagerfeld had talent was not enough. You can't measure how big and how deep the universe was that Karl Lagerfeld had in his head. But it was certainly immeasurable in every respect. His multiple libraries with an unbelievably large number of illustrated books give at best an idea of what Lagerfeld had seen and, above all, what he could imagine. One had the feeling that everything Karl Lagerfeld had ever seen and experienced was an inspiration for him. But above all he had the view. His photographs give us an impression of what he looked at and how he saw. And yet they will only be able to reflect a fraction of what he imagined in his innermost being. It's not unlikely that the world wasn't really enough for someone like Karl Lagerfeld. Some of what he did, or rather "staged", did not seem to be of this world. In this respect, Karl Lagerfeld enriched everything. 

Karl Lagerfeld was also a witty interlocutor. When he used his German mother tongue, everything he said came across undeniably in his flippant Hanseatic manner. He babbled how his muzzle had grown. He did not mince his words and spoke about things as he saw and felt them. This could be funny, lively and entertaining for the knowledgeable. But the ignorant had to turn away in shame. 

Karl Lagerfeld was also the best example of how the mind can be enriched by mastering foreign languages. Spiritual boundaries fall, worlds come together. Lagerfeld set an example, even though he had to live in France for professional reasons. But the most important thing we have to learn from Karl Lagerfeld is that from a certain level there are no more borders.

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