Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2019

Just don't ring the bell - observations at the Farewell Party for Mario Draghi- by Thomas Seidel

German version
Joint ovations for the European Anthem, from left to right: Christine Lagarde, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel Mario Draghi with wife, Sergio Matterella, Ursula von der Leyen, Volker Bouffier
Source: ECB

On the occasion of Mario Draghi's farewell as President of the European Central Bank (ECB), distinguished guests from the worlds of politics and business will pay their respects in Frankfurt am Main. A great deal of gratitude is due to the man who allegedly saved the €uro from destruction. The event gives the observer a deep insight into the internal mechanisms of the European bureaucracy, but it does not provide any information on how things are going to go on in monetary matters in Europe.

The European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main has never experienced anything like this before. Three heads of state and government of European countries, an elected President of the European Commission and a designated successor to the President of the ECB will meet in Frankfurt am Main on the premises of the European Central Bank in order to bid farewell to its current President at the end of his normal term of office. 

Volker Bouffier, Angela Merkel, Mario Draghi
Source: Thomas Seidel
This raises protocol questions. Mario Draghi himself greets the highest dignitaries at the entrance to the building and walks them along a blue carpet, as if the ECB's landlord were at eye level with these ladies and gentlemen. Of course, the President of the ECB is the top representative of a very independent EU institution, and one can even say that it is the only EU institution that really works effectivly! But is a central bank president who is not directly legitimised by a democratic election really so on an equal footing with heads of state and government? The honour of this parade for the outgoing President of the ECB and the special gratitude expressed in the speeches of the protagonists paint a different picture.

Draghi is rightly praised for being a deeply convinced European who has practiced the more than two thousand year old brace of a common European understanding of culture to this day. One rightly admires the fundamental knowledge of the economy and, more importantly, the ability of Draghi to convey this to less economically educated decision-makers within the framework of global contexts. Draghi is rightly revered as the saviour of the €uro, if one wants to believe in the solitary integrating power of the common currency without the banking, capital market and fiscal union. But it is precisely the achievement for which Mario Draghi and the Central Bank Council like to praise themselves the most today, the creation of over eleven million jobs in Europe, that is influenced by so many other factors outside the ECB that the concrete share of monetary policy in it is rather difficult to discern.

Christine Lagarde has much to do
Source: ECB
Mario Draghi leaves a very difficult legacy to his successor Christine Lagarde. The ECB has now bought so many government bonds indirectly, and continues to do so, that some countries are no longer able even to issue more debt obligations. This will inflate the ECB's balance sheet for decades to come. Most €uro member countries will not be able to pay back their debts in generations to come, and for political reasons most will not want to. The ECB's purchase programme and the flooding of banks with money have destroyed the interbank money market in the long term. Nobody knows how this can be repaired! Zero interest rates or even negative interest rates, that has been learned from Japan since 1995, lead to nothing, except to the artificial respiration of already dead branches of the economy, which one simply does not want to let die for the sake of political opportunity. Inflation targets are imaginations. When Wolfgang Schäuble (former minister of finance in Germany) once wanted to know from Mario Draghi where the prayer mill-like repeated formula of "knapp unter zwei Prozent" (which in English can only be murky expressed as "below but close to two percent") comes from, his answer is supposed to have been: "der Otmar wars" („this was Otmars definition“ meaning the former German chief economist of the ECB Otmar Issing). In fact, inflation has not disappeared. It is taking place to an alarming extent on the stock and real estate markets. There, new speculative bubbles are forming unrestrainedly, which, as in the last financial crisis, can burst at any time. However, since their values are not included in the current consumer-oriented definition of inflation measurement, many people do not really perceive inflation, although, subjectively speaking, many things are becoming much more expensive. In fact, over the past eight years the ECB has solved fewer problems than it has moved them elsewhere. Christine Lagarde can now devote herself to all of this for the next eight years, as long as day-to-day political events allow time.

Handover of the Central Bank Council meeting bell. Mario Draghi claims not having used it even once in all eight years. As in the poem by Edenhall, Mrs Lagarde: Don't ring the bell!
Source: ECB

Something else has been made in this event even more obvious. You can feel how the European institutions and bureaucracies really work. A small, fine elite of very well-trained and well-paid people has already developed there, who can easily communicate with each other in many languages. This group of people prefers to remain among themselves and is moving ever faster away from the everyday reality of the people who ultimately finance this elite through their daily work. But the distances to each other are getting bigger and bigger. This is an important reason for the developing populism everywhere in Europe. There the tribunes of the people speak in the language of ordinary people and like to be heard quickly. One of the most important tasks for the new President of the ECB, Christine Lagarde, will be to put this communicative imbalance back on track. Only if people understand why a central bank acts as it does will they perhaps feel well looked after under the symbol of the single currency.

At least the heads of state are well protected! Police in front of the ECB building
Source: Thomas Seidel

Dienstag, 2. April 2019

The time for Guy Fawkes seems to have come by Thomas Seidel

Mask of Guy Fawkes
(Source:  https://pinnocchioblog.org/2017/12/15/

In these modern times, people primarily understand a parliament to be a representation of the people. Elected or appointed members of parliament should participate in some way in the legislation. Whether democratically legitimized or not, an assembly of many in some way represents the will of the people.

Modern parliaments emerged from much older Councils. Among the Germanic tribes, for example, a "Thing", a term that can still be found today in some Scandinavian popular representations, such as the Folketing in Denmark or the Storting in Norway. In early medieval England this developed into a council, called "witan" or "witenagemot", aptly derived from the words "wita" ( wise man) and "gemot" ( meeting). In other words, a "meeting of the wise man". Even without having drawn on the great philosophers before that time, people knew almost instinctively that a kind of swarm intelligence should be used for general and difficult decisions. Apart from the mechanisms of reconciling the interests of competing parties, such swarm intelligence is still expected to be more wise than the solitary decision of a single person. That is, in essence, the very raison d'être of a parliament.

Palace of Westminster 2007
(Source: wikipedia, CCL, Originator: David Hunt)

The English and later British Parliament, which is considered by many to be exemplary in the world, has fought hard over many centuries to defend its position in the power system of the island state. The 5th of November 1605 is known to every Briton and is celebrated every year as the Bonfire Night. On this day the soldier Guy Fawkes tried to carry out with some co-conspirators an attack on the parliament and the king Jakob I., the so-called Gunpowder Plot. More than two tons of black powder had been placed in the cellars of the Westminster Palace, where the parliament met. The attack was prevented. From today's point of view, the reason for this seems hollow. Since then, the cellars have been inspected at the annual opening of the Westminster Parliament. Parliament seems to have been saved.

But what is currently going on in the British Parliament in connection with the Brexit is likely to despair all British voters. It looks as if Parliament has lost its swarm intelligence and all the rest of its wisdom. Never before has this people's representation spoken out many times and repeatedly only against anything, but never for anything. Never before have the British people's representatives done so much damage in such a short time as they have done now. More than ever the time seems to have come for a Guy Fawkes.

Donnerstag, 7. März 2019

What Britain has forever gambled away -by Thomas Seidel-

German version

Queen Elizabeth II (m). Her predecessors has given the royal power to the
Primacy of the Parliament subordinated. Today she can only represent and
admonish. The Queen can no longer stop Parliament.
The Royal family on the balcony of the Buckingham Palast on 16th June 2012
(Source: wikipedia, CCL. Originator: carfax2)

The great hope of the proponents of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union is actually reactionary: one dreams of the good old days of a long gone empire. Perhaps a little more realistically one longs at least for the Commonwealth of Nations. In any case, however, they want to be sovereign again as soon as possible. Let nothing be said by the EU. Above all, away from the hated European jurisdiction, which is so much influenced by continental Europe and has nothing to do with Anglo-Saxon legal traditions.

Many British citizens are prepared to accept considerable disadvantages for this. This was made clear by a Briton who was simply asked on the street about the negotiations between Britain and the EU: "There was no box for a deal, it was just "Stay" or "Leave". So far so good. In the meantime, most Britons have realized that the loud promises of the political Brexit boosters will not come true. Nevertheless, they only want one thing, to get out of the EU!

Wilhelm III of Orange (1650 - 1702)
He accepted with his wife Queen Mary the "Bill of Rights"
thereby subjugating the royal power to the will of Parliamnet
(Source: wikipedia, licence free, Painter: Gottfried Kneller)
This urge for freedom, this unwillingness to bow to foreign patronising has a very long tradition in the British Isles. The beginning of this tradition can be traced back very precisely to history. It began with the passage of the "Bill of Rights" on 16th December 1689. The Upper and Lower Houses passed the bill. The acting equal royal couple William III of Orange and his wife Mary from the House of Stuart recognized the Bill of Rights. Thus they subordinated the royal power for all time to the primacy of the parliamentary will. Since then, Britain has managed to successfully resist all internal and external hostilities. Absolutism had as little chance on the islands as the radical Republicans of the French Revolution. Napoleon was defeated. No one could oppose the imperial rise to dominating world power for almost one hundred years. The manifold hostilities of the first half of the 20th century were overcome by the British with blood, sweat and tears, with many losses. After the loss of the Empire, London, at least, grew into the financial centre of the world, where simply anyone could deal anything.

Great Britain developed a liberal attitude towards a society that was fundamentally open to the outside world. At least when it comes to doing business. In more than three hundred years, this has created a basic trust among national but above all international investors in the functioning and reliability of British society, British law and British institutions. One could be sure of his cause. People on these islands have never been conquered by foreign powers since 1066. With their culture and self-image, they have set standards all over the world. Great Britain was, perhaps even more than small Switzerland, the safe harbour for doing business. Even those businesses that have already been sanctioned in other countries, such as the USA. This feeling of trust has always attracted a lot of money to the UK. This has not least led to the sale off of large parts of British industry. This also applies to British properties, at least in the south of the islands. But at least for a part of society this has brought work, income and partly also prosperity. But not for other large parts of British society. It is a joke on the whole thing, that it is precisely this neglected part of society, that is most resolutely demanding Britain's withdrawal from the EU. Because they will be the ones who will suffer most through their own choices when they leave the EU.

London 360 degree panorama
For over threehundred years everbody can deal everthing with everbody here
(Source: wikipedia, GNU-licence, originator: Diliff)

However, Great Britain has lost one thing irretrievably: the confidence of international investors, which has been painfully built up over three hundred years, through Brexit. Trust is extremely volatile. Whether Brexit becomes effective on 29 March 2019 as planned, or is postponed by months or even two years, confidence is already gone. And it won't come back any time soon. That is what the majority of Britons simply gambled away in just one thoughtless moment. But exactly this gambling is their true innermost nature. But a seasoned Brit knows when he has lost and will take this burden on himself. Cheers!

(Source: imgur.com/gallery/O7KKgHC)

Dienstag, 19. Februar 2019

On the death of Karl Lagerfeld by Thomas Seidel

German version

Karl Lagerfeld
(Source: FAZ,  originator: Helmut Fricke)

Many tears will flow and the Seine will overflow its banks. 

Anyone who has ever seen Karl Lagerfeld at work has been deeply impressed by his good taste and the stylistic confidence with which he knows how to say every minute what fits together or not. The Fendi and Chanel fashion houses in particular have been happy to rely on his judgement for decades. Karl Lagerfeld once said of himself in an interview that he could only draw a little, otherwise he wouldn't do anything! That was a little too much understated. 

To say that Karl Lagerfeld had talent was not enough. You can't measure how big and how deep the universe was that Karl Lagerfeld had in his head. But it was certainly immeasurable in every respect. His multiple libraries with an unbelievably large number of illustrated books give at best an idea of what Lagerfeld had seen and, above all, what he could imagine. One had the feeling that everything Karl Lagerfeld had ever seen and experienced was an inspiration for him. But above all he had the view. His photographs give us an impression of what he looked at and how he saw. And yet they will only be able to reflect a fraction of what he imagined in his innermost being. It's not unlikely that the world wasn't really enough for someone like Karl Lagerfeld. Some of what he did, or rather "staged", did not seem to be of this world. In this respect, Karl Lagerfeld enriched everything. 

Karl Lagerfeld was also a witty interlocutor. When he used his German mother tongue, everything he said came across undeniably in his flippant Hanseatic manner. He babbled how his muzzle had grown. He did not mince his words and spoke about things as he saw and felt them. This could be funny, lively and entertaining for the knowledgeable. But the ignorant had to turn away in shame. 

Karl Lagerfeld was also the best example of how the mind can be enriched by mastering foreign languages. Spiritual boundaries fall, worlds come together. Lagerfeld set an example, even though he had to live in France for professional reasons. But the most important thing we have to learn from Karl Lagerfeld is that from a certain level there are no more borders.

Freitag, 25. Januar 2019

What was not explicitly stated - report on the recent decisions of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank - by Thomas Seidel

Deutsche Version
Mario Draghi (center) accompanied by the Vice-President and
the communication director
(Source: Thomas Seidel)

The first ECB press conference in the new year 2019 does not initially promise to be very interesting. In terms of what was said, it was. What is exciting, however, is what has obviously or intentionally been told nothing about.

The ECB is certain that the current conditions, with a key interest rate of zero percent and a freeze on new acquisitions in the purchase program, will remain so until summer 2019 in order to achieve the target of core inflation of just below two percent.
What has not been said is, that it will remain so until the end of Mario Draghi's term as President of the ECB.

If there is talk of no more new purchases of government bonds, the portfolio of 25 percent of all government bonds in the euro zone will nevertheless remain at this level. What is not being said is, that maturing government bonds can be replaced by new issues at the ECB. At the end of the day, governments are not paying back anything and are not really reducing their debt.

Sometimes better say nothing
(Source: Thomas Seidel)
However, the politically driven changes in the economic framework conditions, such as the negative trade dispute between the USA and China, the Brexit, the weakening demand or positive developments in the labour market and rising wages, have not yet led to the achievement of the desired inflation target. On the whole, one comes to the conclusion that the tried and tested money market policy is being pursued because the economy needs this stimulus to achieve the declared inflation target after all. Which was not said: Does the economy have to focus exclusively on a single objective?

This is followed by a general and repeated appeal to political leaders. Structural reforms had to be undertaken, structural unemployment combated, fiscal buffers put in place, making the economy made more resilient and the capital market union completed. What has not been said: An out-of-control populist government in Italy is increasingly leading the country into the abyss. The reforms in France under President Macron, which have so far been timid anyway, are threatening to disappear completely in the angry protest of French citizens unwilling to reform. The nature and consequences of Brexit are becoming increasingly unpredictable.

That counts for the vice-president too
(Source: Thomas Seidel)
Asked where the Governing Council drew its seemingly certain economic conclusions from, Draghi explained, that it was the long-term continuity of some key data that was trusted. One continue to monitor developments. The decisive factor would be the situation that would emerge next March, which is not said: No one knows how things will develop around the UK's exit date at the end of March. But only then is it worth taking a closer look.

Will the ECB's zero-interest policy, which has now been pursued for a long time, not burden the banks' profitability too much? The high operating costs, inherited liabilities in the lending business and overbanking are more responsible for this. Not a word about the simmering rumours of a state-orchestrated association of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank in Germany.

A prankster amoung the journalists seriously asked whether the ECB was dealing with the issue of a digital currency. Draghi refers to the results of studies, that all point to more disadvantages than advantages of a digital currency. What he doesn't say is, that if it doesn't even work in the city of Frankfurt with a digital ticket for public transportation, how will it work at the central banks?

Somethimes it's to talk about everything
(Source: Thomas Seidel)

What Mario Draghi definitely has nothing to say about, however, are questions about his successor as President of the European Central Bank. Nor are there any speculations about Sabine Lautenschläger, Vice-President of the European Banking Supervision. That is the task of other people.

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2019

The fading of British identity -The causes of Brexit and its consequences- by Thomas Seidel-

Unless some kind of revolutionary movement is quickly given to political
establishment, the lights on the island will soon turn off.

(Source: Berliner Zeitung originator: dpa)
The Brexite has plunged many Britons into a national identity crisis. Especially the supporters of the leave hope for a real catharsis from the "pollution" by the European Union. They are prepared to take on heavy burdens and renunciations for years to come. But the national conflict is also based on very old feathers. Between the north and the south of England; between Anglicans and those who never want to be, and between generations.

Only a few are really aware, it is only the royal house which carries the crowns of England and Wales and Scotland in personal union as kings. Only this holds the so-called "Great Britain" as a state structure together at all. There are good reasons, why this Great Britain still has no modern constitution. This personal union would then probably have to be abandoned and with it the symbolic union of the crowns in one person. Ultimately, what we have perceived as the United Kingdom for about four hundred years is about to disintegrate. The English aversion to Welsh and Scots is already legendary and often enough the stuff of jokes. Hardly anyone realise, however, the centuries-long rift between the north and the south within England. But that's what finally led to Brexit.

Historical North-South conflict
The relationship between the north of England with places like York, Liverpool, Manchester and the south with its centre London has always been problematic in England. Without going too far back in history, the rebellion of the North in the "Pilgrimage of Grace" during the reign of King Henry VIII in the 1530s may be recalled. Perhaps because of Henry's separation from Catholicism, the rebellion against the king ends after some back and forth with a terrible revenge by Henry on the rebellious ones in the north. He finally had all the leaders of the rebellion executed in public.
König Heinrich VIII (1491-1547)
(Source: wikipedia, licence free,
Workshop Hans Holbein the Younger
Never again should the North of England, in the reputation of English society as a whole, come even close to the level of the South English. To this day, northern Englishmen, especially in the eyes of the Londoners, are regarded as backward, uncouth, awkward, narrow-minded and stubborn. They are defamed as uncouth people, capable neither of the fine language nor the fine customs of the noble Southern Englishmen. Later, in the beginning industrial age, which finally had its origin in England thanks to the steam engine, the North was mainly used as a supplier of coal and as a steel factory, without really being loved by the South. In the eyes of the South English, the North remains a region where one can only get dirty.
With the growing colonial empire in the 18th and 19th centuries, the British made the same fundamental mistakes as other European colonial powers. They exploited the colonies mercilessly and thus created a questionable wealth at home. However, it lacked completely the domestic economic substance. That, above all, is the difference to major continental powers such as the USA, Russia and, more recently, China. They have, at least theoretically, so many resources of people and material in their own country that they can try to live up to their ambitions on their own. The two world wars also contributed to the economic decline of the "Empire". They also sucked the last reserves out of Great Britain. Soon the motherland could no longer hold its colonies. Since the 1960s, Great Britain has been reduced to the economic power of a population of around 60 million people. Thus one finally arrived where one had never wanted to go in England since the 17th century, in Europe!

Modern Confrontation
After Britain had actually lost its global significance and had long since ceased to be called "Great", the country spun into two almost civil war-like conflicts: the war in Northern Ireland and the merciless struggle of the powerful trade unions with their base of workers, especially from the North. In this phase, Margaret Thatcher, a strictly patriotic conservative politician, came to power in London as prime minister. She is determined to resist the country's obvious decline. Meanwhile, the Americans, under the presidency of Ronald Reagan, are also preparing to withdraw London its important rank, as the financial and trading centre of the world. The country threatened to become even more of a peripheral phenomenon in Europe.
Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013)

(Source: wikipedia, originator: Chris Collins /
Margaret Thatcher Foundation / CC BY-SA 3.0)
Margarete Thatcher, whose hatred of ordinary workers and trade unions was indelible, actually managed to break the social neck of this class and its organizations once and for all. Once again, the proud class of workers from the north of the country was to be deprived of everything. Even today, the devastating condition of the Liverpool and Manchester areas testifies to this defeat. But Thatcher not only wanted a single victory, she wanted to prevent a renewed resistance from industrial workers forever. Her instrument was to be the targeted development of a strong service economy at the expense of a traditional industrial production economy. The starting signal for this would be the Big Bang. The complete liberalisation of the British financial sector in October 1986. Since then, an increasingly rapid economic divide has developed for a long time between the north and south of England. From year to year, the City of London made more and more fantastic profits in the trading of funds and securities. The tough boys and girls from the City of London became enormously inventive in their lax handling of laws, especially tax law. At the same time, many of them earned millions in bonuses year after year. As a result, property prices skyrocketed not only in London, but also in large parts of southern England. On the other hand, property values fell in the north. While salaries in the south skyrocketed to unprecedented levels, unemployment rose in the north. As if to mock the poor, the English Financial Times regularly published a glossy magazine with the meaningful name "How to spend it". This was addressed to a few nouveau riches. It served to answer the very difficult question of how they could most senselessly bring their million-dollar bonuses back to the people.

Problems of Class Society
But that alone is not the only rejection of English society on the islands. It has always been a class society. Old nobility and nouveau riches clearly distinguish themselves from the rest of the population but also from each other. Non-hereditary nobility titles only for lifetime are nothing more than elaborate orders of merit. Of course, the old nobility distinguishes itself from such upstarts. It is almost impossible to ascend socially to the highest circles via the way to school and even through personal talent. Overpriced private school institutions offer young Britons hardly any development opportunities, even if well-heeled parents are behind them and can buy their children a place in such schools. England, which prefers to train the offspring of rich foreigners, with whom these schools can earn a lot of good money, rather than systematically promote its own talents for cheap fares, has been suffering for decades from a secret brain drain that no government has so far been able to counter with anything. No bourgeois businessman, no matter how successful, can ever ascend to the innermost social circles of the long-established aristocracy. Rich businessmen from abroad certainly don't. The long-standing racism of a white, Anglican Protestant upper class and the rest of English society has not improved throughout the centuries. Foreigners, regardless of their origin, have always been tolerated only for time and only for economic reasons, but in the end have never really been accepted, or even integrated. Immigrants from the former colonies, today somewhat dressed up as the "Commonwealth of Nations", are easily preferred to other foreigners from "third" countries. But in the end they form a parallel society. At times this picture has changed in the country due to membership of the European Union. Union Europeans enjoyed a degree of freedom of movement that even Commonwealth members were unlikely to enjoy. They can enter and leave the country as they wish, work without special official controls and even buy what they want, without any customs. As long as the EU was dominated by Western countries, that did not matter much to the English. At the latest, however, since the eastward enlargement of the EU, many people view these new EU citizens with great distrust. Again, especially in the north of England, where Eastern Europeans compete with their native counterparts on the labour market because of their relative modesty.
Theresa May also allows herself to be influenced in her politics
by misjudge

(Source: wikipedia. open government licence,
Originator: https://www.gov.uk/governmenploads/system/
Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office)
In the meantime, economic ties with the European Union have become so tightly knit in such a way that a detachment will be painful for both parties, but could even be fatal for Britain. At best, the country still plays a role internationally in areas such as the chemical industry and pharmaceuticals. Recently, it has even been used to electronically sniff out alleged opponents of all kinds and origins. Separated from the EU, the British could not even feed themselves from domestic production in the foreseeable future. The mandatory import of food and daily necessities is likely to drive the prices of these goods to unexpected heights in the event of an unregulated Brexit. Such an increase in prices will not be matched by a corresponding increase in income for a long time to come. The enforced end of the heavy industry and the sell-out of entire industries by Margarete Thatcher, such as the automobile industry to various foreign owners, have made the country so dependent on important production opportunities in other countries that an interruption of this chain of goods will immediately lead to production stoppages.

The importance of England as a military power, which some like to praise, is simply an illusion. It may well be that the country has some nuclear toys. However, when you look at it in the light of things, all the effort that has been put into it has been of no use in effectively resisting any aggressive action by various countries, pirates or terrorist organisations. However, the maintenance of the strategic weapons causes immense costs for the already weakening economy. The country is already no longer in a position to build new nuclear submarines for itself, for example. It lacks the necessary shipyard capacities and the necessary know-how. For example, they are forced to order replacements for the outdated nuclear submarines in France and have them built there. The costs for this will then rise in future, probably by 25 percent customs surcharge. The company proudly refers to its own construction of two modern helicopter carriers near Aberdeen in Scotland. One is supposedly finished, the other is still under construction. Admittedly, for the time being the two are useless because they do not have the helicopters that are supposed to be the core deployment systems of the two costly carriers. These two prestige objects were not laid on keel for the own national defence anyway. Someone in London years ago came up with the clever idea of lending these weapon systems to other users for money. The main focus is on Singapore.
David Cameron

(Source: wikipedia, copyright notice,
Originator: Meet the PM (direct image link)
from the 10 Downing Street Website)
How did the victory of the Brexit supporters come about two years ago? Because a politically disinterested, slightly arrogant and blasé relatively young British population, based in the south of England, was too sad to be strongly committed to its own future at the decisive moment. On the other hand, the older people, who had always been disparaged and treated badly by London, were busy going to the ballot boxes, especially in the north, and forced a triumph in their eyes. Nothing that populist politicians like Nigel Farage or a Boris Johnson promised to the people two years ago will come close to what they promised. This may well dawn on the last citizen in the meantime. But it is to be feared that a majority of the English electorate is still more willing to shoulder heavy burdens and renunciations for years to come than to give up the dream of regaining full national sovereignty.

Some politicians in the European Union fear that Britain's resignation may become an example of ambition for other Member States. That is not to be feared! On the contrary, the inevitable, blatant decline of Great Britain will make it clear to many a national political muddlers that their small nations, which cannot survive on their own, will only be able to leave a little more of their national proud if they are embedded with a strengthened EU. Other than that, all what's left for those countries, is being just the destination of hundreds of thousands of Asian tourists in the future .