The great void
The spread of human civilization in the dark of the night
(Source: Google, FAZ)
However the year 2020 will be regarded in an overall historical context, it is clear to us contemporaries that it was an extraordinary year in every respect. It is easy to look back and list the facts and write about events that we all remember all too well. It is better to look at the big picture, to try to take a bird's eye view of human society.
There is no question that 2020 could enter history as the year of the stupid. For the stupid have revealed themselves to all of us in the still ongoing Corona crisis. For example, at demonstrations and in daily business dealings. They show themselves powerfully on television. They wear no masks and proclaim to be proud of it. The stupid are everywhere and come from every social class. Stupidity does not stop. No office and no position of power. Whether it is the official corona deniers in many countries of the world. Whether they are self-proclaimed freedom fighters against coercive state measures. Whether they are declared opponents of vaccination. Whether it is about stubborn civil servants in state administrations who do not want to deviate one iota from any procedures. Whether it is about those who want to put the right of the individual above the right of the general public. Whether it is about those who also grant those individuals those individual rights. Whether it is about greedy profiteers who try to gain an advantage for themselves out of every hardship. Whether it is about false preachers who still hope for a methaphysical salvation. Whether it is about the denunciators who satisfy themselves by always pointing the bare fingers at others, but in reality only want to distract from their own shortcomings. All these and many more have openly shown in society and in the family how unrealistic, selfish, vile and despicable they are.
But there is also no question that 2020 should go down in history as the year of heroes great and small. As seldom before, 2020 has shown the extraordinary humanity, helpfulness, understanding, compassion and devotion of which most, really the vast majority of people are capable. Whether it is those who are on the front line fighting the pandemic. Whether it is those who are trying everything to find ways out of the many emergencies. Whether they are people who simply sew a few masks, for example, when they are so urgently needed. Whether it is people who take care of their fellow human beings when they are even worse off than themselves. Whether they are people who are facing personal economic ruin and yet are trying to get their act together by all means. Whether they are people who perhaps simply show reason and do everything not to make the misery even worse. All these invisible and silent helpers have stood up to stupidity and ignorance and for that they deserve every recognition.
The stupid are so stupid that they shout their stupidity out loud. But a look at the whole reveals that humanity outweighs the stupid, the ignorant and the greedy. Unfortunately, the human is also always the quiet and silent. But that it is there, this certainty holds an experience and carries a hope. The young generation should remember this the next time such a crisis inevitably occurs. In this respect, the year 2020 also brings a small consolation. Nevertheless, we should all hope that such a year will not happen again so soon.
With this in mind, I thank all loyal readers and wish you a blessed Christmas and a better New Year 2021.
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